Over 300 women celebrate 10 years of the Joy of Aging

Group photo at Joy of Aging 2018

The Joy of Aging marked its 10-year anniversary by raising over $35,000 for the Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault Care Centre of York Region Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital.


How to keep your New Year’s financial resolutions

Young couple on couch using tablet

There’s no doubt that some of your New Year’s resolutions will be financial in nature. The problem is that resolutions often go unresolved. Here are six tips to help you keep your resolutions.



The smart way to view an expected inheritance

Family portrait in a forest

It’s tempting to count on an expected inheritance as money in the bank – but it doesn’t always work out so perfectly.


Plan now to minimize OAS clawback later

Mixed couple reviewing paperwork

Ever wonder if you’ll be affected by Old Age Security clawback? To minimize OAS clawback, you need to reduce net income. During retirement, an effective strategy is splitting pension income. But several strategies, including the following, can be initiated before retirement arrives.


Invest wisely and sleep well at night

Two women at flower shop

If you want to sleep well even when markets are volatile, you must invest according to your own risk tolerance. It’s one of the most important factors in investing.


Factor the new longevity into your financial plans

Couple reviewing document

According to Statistics Canada, a Canadian male aged 65 is expected to live to 84 and a female to age 87. Here are some of the financial planning areas affected by the new longevity.


Powers of attorney: Tips and traps

Happy couple reviewing documents on tablet

This quarter, our wealth planning focus was on important things to consider in preparing powers of attorney. We also heard from John Hock, Chief Investment Officer of Altrinsic Global Advisors for the International Equity Value Pool.


Simplify your financial life

Couple walking in the park

Scattered investments are troublesome to manage, and the lack of coordination can make it harder to reach your investment objectives. Here are five reasons you may want to consolidate your investments.


Minimizing taxation of estate assets

Retired couple on beach

Of the G7 nations, Canada is the only one without an estate tax. But the federal government still has its ways of collecting tax when someone passes. There are ways to minimize the amount of tax payable by an estate. Here are some of the more common strategies.


Is there a potential beneficiary lottery in your estate planning?

Senior couple planning retirement

You and your spouse have been putting it off but you decide it’s finally time to get your wills and estate planning in order. Here’s what you need to know.



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